Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I Want to Buy "Good"

Everyday the news is filled with things we should be concerned about. The toys we purchase for our kids, the food we buy at the supermarket, even the water we drink. It becomes overwhelming to try and sort out the hype from the truth. As a time starved mom and consumer I would like to make good buying choices, but who has the time to do the research.

Yesterday I ran across a site that does just that, they aggregate the information on products and the companies they come from to help you decide. The Good Guide is a site run by Dara O’Rourke, a professor of environmental and labor policy at the University of California, Berkeley. See the full article in the NY Times.

Not only is the site easy to use, it also has an iPhone app to make it portable. This is definitely as site to feel good about!

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